Visit to Casco’s House

The City of Chascomús treasures incredible stories. Life here is certainly stranger than fiction and the house owned by a man named Casco is an example of that.

The historical Casco House stands opposite the main square in the City of Chascomús. This house has a very unusual origin.

History goes that the son of don Vicente Casco was kidnapped by an Indian raid in 1829. In 1831, don Vicente decided to build a house that, unlike the traditional houses of those days, should have two stories and a ladder that could be raised for protection so that only the owners could get in or out.

Located on Sarmiento Street, between San Martín and Lavalle Streets, the house has accompanied the history of the city ever since the white men fought the Indian raids till this date, when only the children riding their bikes can interrupt nap time.

  • Chascomús treasures incredible stories

    Chascomús treasures incredible stories

  • Stands opposite the main square

    Stands opposite the main square

Vicente Casco was born in Paraguay and he reached Buenos Aires in 1809 to head for the newly settled City of Chascomús. Once there, he married doña Francisca Girado and they had about 15 children.

Casco joined the uprising carried out by los Libres del Sur (Southern freemen) against Juan Manuel de Rosas and took part in the Battle of Chascomús, in which the Federales were victorious. Celebrations were held precisely in his house.

Afterwards, he was judged for treason and executed along with other fellowmen. When he died, the house was inherited by his daughter and after several generations, his descendants finally donated it to the local municipality

But besides its owner, important characters such as writers Mario López Osornio and Baldomero Fernández Moreno dwelled in that house. As well, the film “Camila” was shot there.

Those who watch the building for the first time will see that there is nothing unusual at sight, except its beauty and a kind of royal style that make it stand out from the rest.

But visitors only need to enter in order to become part of a story that combines Indian raids, immigrants, Unitarios and Federales, everything in a small city that has always made the clocks of history tick.

Address: 123, Sarmiento Street, (7130) Chascomús. Buenos Aires. Republic of Argentina.
Te: 54 2241 424196.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Verónica Martínez

Tour typeTour type: Turismo contemplative
Opening hoursOpening hours: Mondays thru Fridays, from 3pm to 7pm. Saturdays and Sundays, from 9am to 5pm.
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