Former President Raúl Alfonsín’s House

The man considered by many as the Father of Democracy was born and raised in the City of Chascomús, in one of the houses located on the main square in town.

He was and will always be the most spoilt boy and man in this eye-catching city.

Raúl Alfonsín, considered by many as the Father of Democracy (let us remember that he was the first constitutional president chosen by the people after long years of military dictatorship), was born in Chascomús and never completely detached himself from this beautiful city that has always loved him and sheltered him, even in his darkest hour.

On the corner of Mitre and Crámer Streets, right opposite the Town Council building where Mr. Raúl Alfonsín started his political career, there lies the house where he used to live long before he became the President of Argentina.

In 1900, the venue used to house a famous coffee-shop called El Cine Blanc. It was destroyed by a big fire, which has practically been forgotten by the neighbors of Chascomús. Many years later, a public office was settled down there.

  • Mitre y Crámer

    Mitre y Crámer

  • Known as the father of democracy

    Known as the father of democracy

  • A great man

    A great man

But the site became popular because it was the home of one of the most important men in Argentinian politics. Architect Ricardo Calderón was in charge of refurbishing it. Its two stories feature the colonial style of famous Independencia Square, just like all the houses in the historical shell.

As visitors move about the area, especially in the mid morning or early afternoon, they can see the neighbors who choose to have some mate while sitting on the benches located at their doors.

Just talking to them will trigger out some stories in which the kindness and good nature of the former president prevail. Everyone in the town refer to him as “young Ricardo”.

Those who knew him well assure that his passion for politics was such that his closest friends and neighbors always knew he would go a long way. Maybe for such reason it was not surprising for them to see him occupying the presidential chair in 1983.

But the greatest pride of the dwellers of Chascomús is that this man of the Country never forgot his origins and always remained close to “his town”, as he used to say.

Today, the words "Chascomús" and "Alfonsín" are practically synonyms. And that is very good propaganda for this great man.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Gentileza

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