Eco Parque Kooch, the Mountain Range Zoo

Regional and alien species make up a very particular zoo. An ideal site to walk about with children.

A tan solo 1 kilómetro del centro de Sierra de la Ventana se encuentra el Eco Parque Kooch. El nombre tiene que ver con las creencias de los pueblos originarios (tehuelches) que habitaban la zona.

Ellos decían que Kooch (así llamaban a su dios) había creado la luz, el agua, el sol y la vida. Para ellos este dios fue el creador del paraíso viviente que aún hoy existe a nuestro alrededor y que cada vez se encuentra más desprotegido por el avance de nuestra civilización.

The idea of this ecological park is to stimulate the essential contact with life through the almost natural approach to the animals that dwell in it. Among them, sheep, guanacos, goats, ducks and swans of all kinds stand out.

  • Guanacos


  • Un lago artificial

    Un lago artificial

  • A very particular zoo

    A very particular zoo

  • A fantastic setting

    A fantastic setting

Liebres y maras, ciervos, burros, ñandúes y hasta monos logran hacer entretenidos los paseos mientras desempeñan piruetas, saltos y todo tipo de monerías que divierten a los más pequeños.

Por esto mismo, muchos establecimientos educativos de la zona e incluso de grandes ciudades se acercan hasta el lugar para que sus alumnos se relacionen de manera directa con los animales y aprendan las lecciones básicas de cómo es la vida de cada uno de ellos.

The venue occupies over 50 thousand square meters. Each member of this big family has their own well-defined space.

An artificial lake catches visitors’ attention, as almost all the birds in the venue wander about this area. Besides, other local birds have adopted this place as their habitat.

In addition to the direct contact with the fauna, children may enjoy countless activities along with their parents. There are football pitches and volleyball courts. There is even a mini-golf where the entire family can play. Besides, there is a ball pit, elastic beds, inflatable games and a log playground including the typical wooden houses.

The site has been specifically designed for visitors to stay as long as they wish. Therefore, some cabins have been built within the venue to provide accommodation at Eco Parque Kooch.

The proposal is that visitors may rest and continue making the most of the park attractions the following day. Other activities include bicycle and horse riding in the area. It is a pleasure to wake up to the sound of the local fauna, as well as to behold the different times of the day: sunrise, sunset and of course dusk and the wonderful starry skies at night.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Pablo Etchevers

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