Villa Ventana

When spring arrives, the swallows become the owners of Villa Ventana once more. Arriving from California and heading to Ushuaia, the small village is a mandatory pass where everyone wants to see them fly.

Coming from California
Swallows have migrated for hundreds of years, but it was not until 1776 that friar Junípero Serra, a Spanish Franciscan monk, raised a convent in California. When he observed the numbers of birds of the same species which were overflying those skies, he began a double register: not only did he count the number of members of the congregation who came to church, but he also recorded the number of birds of the same kind that came back every year in the same season.
In addition to the speed this species gains when flying and to the fact that they practically never land, it is interesting to find out why they always use the same route and even stop at the same nests where they stopped the previous summer. The answers have not been convincing at all and even today, when science is supposed to have a great power, they remain unsatisfactory.
The truth is that in the middle of March, California gives a warm, summer and crowded welcome to this species which, after spending the summer in the Northern lands, begins to emigrate towards South America in order to cross the Argentinian skies in September.

  • When spring arrives

    When spring arrives

  • Place chosen by nature

    Place chosen by nature

  • Colors that attract

    Colors that attract

Two Argentinian Cities
Villa Ventana, in the Province of Buenos Aires, along with Goya, in the Province of Corrientes, is one of the destinations preferred by this species, where the largest number of specimens have been counted. This has encouraged the local settlers and neighbor associations to build several monuments as a tribute to these beautiful birds.
In the case of Villa Ventana, the monument to honor the swallows lies at the entrance of the city, next to the provincial route which joins it with Sierra de la Ventana. In the case of Goya, the monument lies on the banks of the Paraná River, where the species nests every year.
The Indians that populated these mountains in the nineteenth century gave it the Mapuche name of “pilmayquen”, which means “spring bird” or “flowering period bird”, as in the southern hemisphere this is the season when everything blooms again and the harvest begins.

Villa Ventana is bordered by the Belisario and Las Piedras Creeks. Thousands of swallows may be watched as they feed on small insects hatching over the surface of both water courses. These insects are part of the diet that gives them back their strength in order to continue with the long journey commanded by their instinct.
They travel 13 thousand kilometers in each migratory flight and each swallow can experience almost ten flights during their lifetime.
Of course, they still have a long way to go...

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Gentileza

Contact of the excursion or tour

Tourist Information in Villa Ventana

Golondrina y Cruz del Sur, Sierra de la Ventana, Buenos Aires, Agentina

Phone Phone: +54 291-4910095

How to get hereHow to get here: Villa Ventana is accessed through Routes 76 and 72 towards the district of Tornquist, only 17 kilometers from Sierra de la Ventana.
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