Things to do in Mar del Plata

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24 hours in Mar del Plata

Mar del Plata has everything for tourists to enjoy at any season. Here is a recipe to enjoy it during one whole day.

GastronomyContemplative Tourism

Roque Suárez Boutique House

La residencia Roque Suárez es parte del patrimonio de Mar del Plata. Ubicada en una esquina privilegiada, las terrazas ofrecen una vista magnífica del mar.


Juan Carlos Castagnino Municipal Art Museum

An emblem of plastic arts at the seaside resort, the Juan Castagnino Local Art Museum houses the works of several Argentinian artists of brilliant careers.


A Date with the restaurants at the port

The port is one of the city’s main attractions offering a first-hand experience of sea fishing and its sea product restaurants.

AdventureContemplative Tourism

A Day in Aquasol Water Park

In the entrance to the City lies a place like no other. A huge water park awaits visitors who wish to enjoy its large slides, the water and endless waves.

Contemplative Tourism

A Gold Sea Lion

This seaside destination amazes visitors with imposing works that deserve all the applause and praise not only for their artistic features but also for the creativity they embody. The sea lion made of alfajor wrappings is one of them.

Contemplative Tourism

A Portrait of the Port of Mar del Plata

The docks, the fishermen and their colourful boats are the classical image of "The Happy City".

Contemplative Tourism

Beaches and Bathing Resorts at Mar del Plata

With modern urbanization, versatility and spendid beaches, Mar del Plata is the ideal tourist destination in the Atlantic Coast corridor.


Boat Fishing at Mar del Plata

Fishing for bluefish is one of the most interesting options in our sea littoral. An unexhaustible fish of electrical bite turned us into its fans forever, along with the grouper...

Contemplative Tourism

Charming Mar del Plata

Because it is in fashion year round and because it is constantly renovated so as to flatter the thousands of faithful tourists that keep choosing it, it has earned the famous nickname of “La Feliz” (the happy one).

AdventureContemplative Tourism

Mar del Plata's Aquarium

Next to one of the emblematic icons of Mar del Plata, the Punta Mogotes Lighthouse, lies "Aquarium Mar del Plata", a small but illustrative show of the vastness of the sea.

Contemplative Tourism

Mar del Plata`s Historical Architecture

Towards 1900, Mar del Plata was the leisure spot chosen by the Argentinian society aristocratic families to spend the summer.

Contemplative Tourism

Mar del Plata`s Nightlife

During the summer, Mar del Plata resembles the famous porteño Corrientes Avenue. Others assure nightlife is a synonym for the “happy city”, where theatres, cinemas...

Contemplative Tourism

Playa Escondida, nudism by the sea

Those who enjoy showing their bodies find it natural to enter the sea naked in the summer vacations. Mar del Plata offers an intimate beach like no other.

MuseumsContemplative Tourism

The Mar del Plata Contemporary Art Museum

Ever since it was inaugurated, the Contemporary Art Museum in Mar del Plata has been one of the must visit attractions on the Atlantic Coast in the summer.


The Queen of Fishermen

Twelve beautiful young ladies are the finalists of each issue of a festival that has become a tradition among fishermen at the port. Only one of them will be crowned queen.

Contemplative Tourism

Where to Play Golf in Mar del Plata

Mar del Plata’s links offer the possibility of playing opposite the sea, in the hills or in the cliffs. The famous golf cathedral is something unique and not to be missed.

Contemplative Tourism

Sea Tour in Mar del Plata

As a significant seaside city, Mar del Plata offers an interesting cruise expedition that gives a new perspective of the modern metropolises.


SCUBA Diving in Mar del Plata

Tourist by nature, Mar del Plata goes beyond and offers exciting scuba diving excursions that let the visitor get to know the subaquatic world brimming with fauna and colors.


Villa Ocampo, Tradition and Culture

Villa Victoria is an art and architecture space that gives an idea of the intellectual life of the city in the mid twentieth century.


The Sea Museum in Mar del Plata

The Museum of the Sea gathers a collection of Benjamin Sisterna, a fascinating man who bequeathed his passionate testimony about nature to the Mar del Plata.


Cleto Ciocchini Harbor Man’s Museum

A museum that rescues life in the harbor through the creative work of painter Cleto Ciocchini.

Tourism in Buenos Aires

The scenes contained by the Province of Buenos Aires are quite different: the countryside, mountains, large cities, lakes, the Paraná Delta and the wide array of beaches on the Atlantic coast.

Hotels and accommodations in Mar del Plata

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