
Malargüe Malargüe - Photos:Marcelo Sola 1y3 - Jorge González 2

Crossed by mythical Route 40 in a North-South direction, the City of Malargüe lies in the Southwestern angle of the Province of Mendoza.
Approximately 1,198 kilometers stand between this city and the Federal District, whereas only 420 kilometers separate it from the capital of the province.

Nestled at 1,402 m.a.s.l., it features a dry climate. In the summer, average temperatures reach 22ºC, whereas in the winter, they drop to 3ºC. Malargüe may be accessed from Chile through the international pass called "Pehuenche", which joins the city with the VII Region in the neighboring country.

Considered a fascinating place for the development of adventure travel, there are multiple and various options to tour around Malargüe and its surroundings in full contact with nature. Its main attractions include Caverna de las Brujas (The Witches Cavern), the Pincheira Castles, Llancanelo and La Payunia Lagoons, four Provincial Parks, where amazement and legends are combined to guarantee an unforgettable stay for tourists. Interesting geological and paleontologic hiking tours, river rafting, climbing, rappelling, canyoning, Tyrolean crossing, tours on horseback through the Andes, fly-fishing and bird-watching are other activities that complete the tourist offer at Malargüe.

Furthermore, Las Leñas International Ski Resort, where snow may be enjoyed with the family, is accessed from the city. We also recommend a visit to the Manqui Malal Cascades, the Pozo de las Ánimas (The Well of the Souls) and laguna de la Niña Encantada (Enchanted Girl Lagoon), where diving may be practiced.

In the city, visiting the Pierre Auger Cosmic Rays Observatory, the Conventions Center, the Regional Museum, San Martín Square and the Clock of the Fiftieth Anniversary is also a must.

During January, the city dresses up to celebrate the Goat National Festival and the Lamb Provincial Festival. The warmth and the predisposition of its people are waiting for you at Malargüe to offer all the charms of this singular terroir in Cuyo.

Enjoy Malargüe and feel one thousand adventures in only one destination.

Things to do in Malargüe 10 Things to do

Map Malargüe

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