Visit to Zoo-Bal-Park

We visited Eldorado's zoo, a stronghold of local flora and fauna ideal to be enjoyed by adults and children alike.

Minutes away from the Cities of Montecarlo and Eldorado lies this spectacular private zoo that shelters a wide array of animals and birds rescued from the rainforest of Misiones.

Among them, monkeys, toucans, tapirs, deer, coatíes, peacocks, macaws, parrots and parakeets capture the attention of grown-ups and children as they move around the venue following the guides.

Zoo-Bal-Park, as this place has come to be called, is a private zoo located inside an extremely beautiful piece of land dwelled by an incredible variety of local species, such as the jaguar.

This work was started and is maintained by Federico Kruse, a true lover and protector of animals who has succeeded in recreating ideal life conditions for these species at this nook in Misiones.

  • Peacocks


  • The king of the Zoo

    The king of the Zoo

  • Ara blue

    Ara blue

  • Cascabeles


  • Guacamayo


  • Redoubt local wildlife

    Redoubt local wildlife

Children are fascinated by the pirouettes done by the different kinds of howler monkeys. Though they ask for food all the time, visitors should not feed them, as the zoo is in charge of providing balanced meals according to the needs of each species. They like to observe visitors, call them, distract them and show off their abilities worthy of a carefully planned choreography.

All birds, from the glamorous peacocks that wander around the venue free to the toucans and parrots, are worshipped by visitors, who discover their typical traits and diversity of colors and sizes and can end up telling males from females.

Various kinds of snakes and a pool full of fish typical of the Misiones rainforest -including dorado and surubí- are part of the attractions contained by this delightful and neat place.

Zoo Bal Park
Lying 800 meters from National Route 12
(Access to Montecarlo)

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Pablo Etchevers

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