Things to do in Carhué

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HydrotherapyContemplative Tourism

Carhué, Land of Indian Chiefs and Miraculous Waters

Hot spring hotels and spa, natural beaches and healing waters; a place where the body and the mind relax in harmony.


Epecuén Thermal Park, a rebirth for Carhué

The salty waters of the lagoon feed the new Epecuén Thermal Park. The environment of Carhué brings reminiscences of sea air. Miraculous waters to rediscover.

AviationContemplative Tourism

Flying over Carhué

Flying over Carhué is an unforgettable experience for those who wish to have a privileged view of this beautiful scenery on the shores of huge Lake Epecuén. Unique photographs guaranteed.

Contemplative Tourism

The Legend of Epecuén

Known from time immemorial by the primitive tribes of the pampas, the healing waters of Lake Epecuén were the object of poetic legends that attempted to explain its origin. Here is one of them.

Contemplative Tourism

Villa lago Epecuén, a Village Underwater

Submerged for years, the partial recession of the waters turned Villa Lago Epecuén into a new tourist circuit. Postcards from a strange and fascinating landscape.

Tourism in Buenos Aires

The scenes contained by the Province of Buenos Aires are quite different: the countryside, mountains, large cities, lakes, the Paraná Delta and the wide array of beaches on the Atlantic coast.

Hotels and accommodations in Carhué

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