Flying over Carhué

Flying over Carhué is an unforgettable experience for those who wish to have a privileged view of this beautiful scenery on the shores of huge Lake Epecuén. Unique photographs guaranteed.

The quiet aeroclub of Carhué lies in the outskirts of the town, just 5 minutes away.

Tours on light aircrafts with authorized pilots that take visitors on first-time flights over the City of Carhué, Lake Epecuén and the formations of Sierra de la Ventana and Pigüé, can be hired there everyday.

Ideal to Fly

The light aircrafts rest in the sunlight like sleeping birds. The hangar is quiet and the weather vanes indicating the direction of the wind are slightly moved by the morning breeze on a promising day.

  • A privileged view

    A privileged view

  • Half covered

    Half covered

  • The city center

    The city center

  • Landing


  • The quiet aeroclub

    The quiet aeroclub

  • A hobby

    A hobby

The quiet shady scenery stretches out with the first explosions of the engine. Very soon, the propeller spins so fast that it becomes almost invisible. After learning that the skies are clear, the small aircraft starts to advance along the strip.

As we speed up, the plane nose goes up and we can feel the effort of the aircraft to leave the ground. We are about to take off, we can feel it…

We lean upwards and finally take the jump. The rear wheels get off the ground. The feeling of flying on a light aircraft is fabulous. It is much more enjoyable than a commercial flight.

Surrounded by fields and the vast shore of Lake Epecuén, the city of Carhué decreases its size as we rise. Among the grid of blocks we do not take long to make out the central square, the cathedral, the unmistakable art decó tower of the town hall and the main streets and avenues sprinkled in green.

On the Streets of the Salt

After covering the city, the pilot heads for Lake Epecuén.

We go up until the houses of Carhué become very small and we appreciate the vastness of the water mirror that spreads for over sixteen thousand hectares and is connected to the rest of the local ponds.

Flying over the shore, we approach what used to be a tourist village called Epecuén, today half covered by the increase in the lake volume which took place in 1985. Seen from above, its eroded white houses pop out on the surface, as a fantastic city of salt progressively dissolved by the waters.

The pilot observes a flock of pink flamingoes and the plane alters its course in order to watch them fly. “There are over two hundred”, he says enthusiastically as we watch the show of color and shade in amazement.

The sun sets on the horizon and gives us a magical nightfall. We start to return. The green perimeter of the aerodrome becomes bigger and bigger. In the air over the strip as a light bird, the aircraft taxies delicately and its wheels roll joyfully to the hangar.

We bade farewell to our pilot and the rest of the people who have come along to greet us. After stepping on solid ground, we watched a group of small airplanes over our heads, led by men and youths who practice this activity as a hobby.

We see how the model airplanes go up and down once and again, and after congratulating the experts on this sport, we start our way back to the city. Now, the five minutes we had taken to reach our destination seems to have no end. We still have the photos, the images we could capture during our flight as birds. Flying over is a unique experience. We just need to get to the aeroclub to make it real.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Pablo Etchevers

Contact of the excursion or tour

Aeroclub Carhué

Av. Héroes de Malvinas KM 1.5, Carhué, Buenos Aires, Agentina

Cell phone Cell phone: +54 2923-428274

Tour typeTour type: Flying
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