Pueblo Liebig

Pueblo Liebig Pueblo Liebig

Pueblo Liebig is a small district in Entre Ríos that seduces tourists with its quiet pace, its recreational activities and a rich history that takes us back to the origins of the city of Colón and its surroundings.

History goes that the foundation stone for progress in the area used to be a small saladero -a venue where meat is salted. Due to the various technological advances that reached the meat market in the late nineteenth century, English capital began to be invested and settled at this location to develop this kind of activities. That is how Liebig’s Extract of Meat Company Limited came here to stay.

In 1903, its name was changed to "Fábrica Colón", and the production of meat extract and corned beef began. In 1910, the slaughterhouse grew to such an extent that all the livestock from the Provinces of Entre Ríos and Corrientes was slaughtered there. This became one of the most productive projects in the country in the 1950s.

In 1970, the factory declined. Its facilities were dismantled, sold and other areas were abandoned. The chimney and part of the brick and concrete structure raised in former times may still be seen today.

The can of “corned beef” has its own monument at the main square in town. It is a trace from those booming days. Today, things have changed and tourism is responsible for causing this small city to come back to life.

The attractions of Pueblo Liebig are its semiprecious stones, the outings that combine unspoiled sandy beaches and rainforest trails, RIB tours on the river and other circuits that may be covered either by bike or on foot and show us the geography of this region.

Map Pueblo Liebig

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