Scuba Duba


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Bv. Brown 893, Puerto Madryn, Chubut

Mobile +54 9 280 4197338 Phone +54 280-4452699

Scuba Duba Buceo is a tourist operator that provides services both to recreational scuba diving enthusiasts and to those who wish to start practicing this activity. It is located in the City of Puerto Madryn and is considered the capital of Argentinian scuba diving for the extension of its beaches, the diversity of sea fauna and flora and the transparency and serenity of its waters, which are part of the Nuevo Gulf. Among the services provided by Scuba Duba, the submarine baptisms, diving courses, conventional excursions, special excursions, snorkelling, underwater photography and video stand out.
Scuba Duba opens the doors of the subaquatic world, paying special attention to the preservation of the environment. An unforgettable experience to make a visit to Puerto Madryn.

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