Ramoneda Studio Museum

Ramoneda Studio Museum is a private museological institution founded on November 6, 1936 by Argentinian artist Francisco Ramoneda (1905-1977). It has been incorporated to the main museum guides in the world and it also was the first art museum in the Province of Jujuy.

The purpose of its founder was to provide Humahuaca and the entire province with a space where the work of mainly Argentinian artists and some foreign artists too may be contemplated and studied. Thus, the collection of this museum includes works by its founder, as well as other consecrated and prestigious painters and sculptors, such as: Antonio Alice, Benito Quinquela Martín, Enrique de Larrañaga, A. Laxeiro, V. Santasusgna, A. Laddaga, Idalecio Pereyra, Juan C. Durand, José R. Cardozo, Luis A. Ramoneda, Santiago Chiérico, A. Morosin, Francis Laperuta, Luis Elvera, Eloisa Dufour, M. Guaragna, Alta Mich, Oliva Navarro, Hugo Irureta and R. Moron, to name a few.

After the passing of the “Humahuaca Ravine painter” -as Master Francisco Ramoneda was and continues to be referred to-, 90% of the museum facilities were destined for the display of his original works: around 110 pieces, including paintings and drawings, pay continuous tribute to the author.

Ever since its foundation, the Ramoneda Studio Museum has been closely related to education, as its founder used to be one of the most outstanding professors at Escuela Normal de Humahuaca and the Art Department of Universidad Nacional de Tucumán in the 1940s.

  • The first art museum in the Province of Jujuy.

    The first art museum in the Province of Jujuy.

  • The cheese seller

    The cheese seller

  • Professor Luis Ramoneda, painter and son of Francisco Ramoneda

    Professor Luis Ramoneda, painter and son of Francisco Ramoneda

  • 1927 Self Portrait

    1927 Self Portrait

  • The vine

    The vine

The venue is permanently visited by travelers, tourists and scholars from various points in the country and the world, as well as by students from several schools in Humahuaca and the entire Province of Jujuy.

The grand house lodging the museum is an ancient beautiful Colonial construction which dates back from 1870 and used to be the residence and studio-atelier of the celebrated Argentinian artist until he passed away on December 12, 1977.

At present, the Ramoneda Studio Museum does not receive any kind of official economic support and is only maintained by its founder’s family members.

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Gentileza Casa Museo Ramoneda

Opening hoursOpening hours: Everyday from 10:30am to 1pm and from 3:30pm to 7pm.


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