Bahía Blanca: How to get there

By car: Leaving Buenos Aires along National Route 3 passing by Cañuelas, Tres Arroyos and Cnel.Dorrego you get to Bahia Blanca. From Neuquén along National Route 22 across the high and middle valley of Rio Negro you get to Bahia Blanca from the south.

Distances from Bahia Blanca to:

Bariloche 1076 km Buenos Aires 687 km Comodoro Rivadavia 1169 km Neuquén 530 km Puerto Madryn 690 km Rawson 775 km Rio Gallegos 2114 km San Antonio Oeste 458 km Santa Rosa 326 km Temuco (viaPino Hachado) 1100 km Trelew 722 km Viedma 278 km Ushuaia 2842 km


Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus


Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

Fioriti Hnos.

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus


Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

Cruz del Sur

Cargo to Bahía Blanca

Bahía Blanca 8003

Ferro Exp. Pampeano

Railways to Bahía Blanca

Brickman 2200 y Vías

Don Otto

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

Vía Bariloche

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

Land Tickets Online to Bahía Blanca


Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

El Villarino

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

Sol Líneas Aéreas

Air Transportation to Bahía Blanca


Crucero del Norte

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus - L. 6

Unidos del Sud

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus


Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus


Air Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Darregueira 21


International Air Transport to Bahía Blanca

Alsina 569

El Rápido

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

El Pingüino

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

La Estrella - El Cóndor

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

Central Argentino

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus


Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal deÓmnibus - L. 7

Río Paraná

Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus


Land Transportation to Bahía Blanca

Terminal de Ómnibus

Aerolíneas Argentinas

Air Transportation to Bahía Blanca

San Martín 298

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