Libertador General San Martín

Libertador General San Martín Libertador General San Martín - Photos : Marcelo Sola
The city of Libertador General San Martín is situated 106 km. away from San Salvador de Jujuy city and it is the gate to Calilegua National Park through Jujuy railroad.

In the surroundings, there are beautiful changing mountains and citrus fruit trees landscapes with great reed beds immersed in a subtropical dense foliage.

Along Nº 34 National Road activities such as ecotourism, photo-safari and either ethnographic or cultural excursions can be carried out.

Mule rides, mountain bike excursions or trekking till the top of Hermoso or Amarillo Hills can be experienced along different paths in the outskirts.

Other unlosable sites to visit include Calilegua National Park which is covered on its bottom by yungas, Ledesma town where an important sugar mill is located, Caimancito thermal resort and Santa Bárbara Fort among others.

Map Libertador General San Martín

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