Huequen Apart

Vacation Rental Homes

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Huechulafquen 643, Zapala, Neuquén

Telefono Phone Map Map
Mobile +54 9 2942 473466

Our apartments are very well located, just 200 m. away from Route 22.
These units can accommodate from 2 to 6 guests. They have spacious private bathrooms, cable TV, stove with four burners and oven, full set of dishes and refrigerator. They have hot water 24 hours a day and individual water heaters.
Housekeeping included.
Rates are:
Apartment x 2 pax $ 140
Apartment x 4 pax $ 240
Apartment x 6 pax $ 300


  • Cable TV
  • Free parking
  • Housekeeping
  • Vajilla completa

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