History of Villa La Angostura

In the early twentieth century, more precisely in 1902, the national government created a colony called Nahuel Huapi. It was then when it settled a reserve for the people, called “Angostura” (Narrowness). Later on, and once the first settlers became established, the radio telegraph station was created where the local post office operates today. This fostered communications and cut down the distances and the isolation of this spot. It was at that very location, at the radio telegraph station, where the foundational stone of the town that would be first called General Agustín P. Justo was placed. Afterwards, its name was changed to Correntoso (Fast Flowing) and finally to the one it bears today: Villa La Angostura (which stands for Narrowness Village), due to its location on the narrowness of the Quetrihué Peninsula. Almost ten years passed before the subdivision of 405 hectares of the reserve and the layout of the town of Villa La Angostura were approved. Shortly afterwards, it would become the new capital of the District of the Lakes in the territory of Neuquén. Today, Villa La Angostura is a residential and port area. Its administrative and commercial center is located in the place know as El Cruce (the Crossroads), so-called precisely for being located on the crossroads of Route F and the village road. This area experienced as much or even more progressive growth than the village itself. Finally, in 1948, the boundaries and the jurisdiction of Villa La Angostura were set in approximately 8,000 hectares. This event took place because a group of residents created the first Neighbors' Committee in 1946, which encouraged community activities and eventually led to the creation of the Neighbors Development Committee of Villa la Angostura by the government of Neuquén. It had significant achievements for the acknowledgment of this area that has boomed ever since its origins.
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