The Roca's Balcony

If you go for a stroll, in Piedrabuena and Alcorta you will find a balcony that forms part of a construction of the end of XIX century, made in metal sheets and timber, which was used as Casa de Gobierno and Post Office.

When these buildings were transferred to new sees, the primitive construction built by Mr. Luis Noya was dismounted.

By order of Governor Gregores, the Balcony was preserved to commemorate the presence of General Roca, who announced in 1899 some works of progress that were eventually carried out.

General Roca was the first president who visited this city. He came to the south to settle peace over the Strait of Magellan and secure fraternity with Chile in a meeting with President Dr. Federico Errázuriz in Punta Arenas.

  • Construction of the end of XIX century

    Construction of the end of XIX century

  • National Historical Monument

    National Historical Monument

Autor Pablo Etchevers Fotografo Pablo Etchevers

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