Rates & Special Offers

Chapelco Rates and Special Offers

Rates 2022


Low season Mid Season Special Season High Season
18/06 2022 to 02/07 and 04/09 2022 to 25/09 31/07 2022 to 12/08 and 21/08 2022 to 03/09 03/07 2022 to 09/07 and 13/08 2022 to 20/08 10/07 2022 to 30/07
Adult Min/Sen Adult Min/Sen Adult Min/Sen Adult Min/Sen
Cable-car 2100 1700 2400 2000 2800 2200 3100 2400
Later Pass 4300 3400 4900 3900 5500 4400 6100 4900
Later Pass 5400 4300 6100 4900 6900 5500 7700 6100
Weekend Pass 8600 6900 9800 7800 11000 8800 12200 9800
3 consecutive days 14500 11600 16500 13200 18600 14900 20700 16500
3 days flex (no consecutive days) 15900 12700 18200 14500 20400 16400 22700 18200
4 consecutive days 18600 14900 21300 17000 24000 19200 26600 21300
4 days flex (no consecutive days) 20500 16400 23400 18700 26400 21100 29300 23400
5 consecutive days 22500 18000 25700 20600 28900 23100 32100 25700
5 days flex (no consecutive days) 24700 19800 28300 22600 31800 25400 35300 28300
6 consecutive days 25700 20600 29400 23500 33000 26400 36700 29400
7 consecutive days 28100 22500 32100 25700 36100 28900 40200 32100
Young college 6 consecutive days 21800 *** 25000 *** 28100 *** 33000 ***
Biweekly 56200 45000 64300 51400 72300 57800 80300 64300
Season 212400 169900 212400 169900 212400 169900 212400 169900

INFANTS 0 TO 5 YEARS FREE • CHILDREN: 6 TO 11 YEARS • COLLEGE STUDENTS: 18 to 28 • MAJOR 12 59 YEARS • SENIORS 60 to 69 years • over 70 years: FREE

The sale of plans is subject to the availability of rental equipment Chapelco. The school start times can be modified according to operational need for Chapelco Ski School. Rates are subject to change without notice.

Note: The rates, expressed in Argentine pesos including VAT, were provided by the ski resort, responsible for any modification without notice. We suggest you check the rates before making a reservation.

Chapelco Rates and Special Offers



In San Martín de los Andes:
M. Moreno 859 Locales B y C
Tel. (+54) 02972 427845 / 429845

In Buenos Aires:
Dardo Rocha 2858 – Martinez – Provincia de Buenos Aires
Tel. +54(11) 4898 8900

Oficial website:
Email: agenciasma@chapelco.com
Apps Download: Apple Store / BlackBerry / Android

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