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CASINOS of Argentina

Kinds of Games

Text: Pablo Etchevers

Its name stands for "small wheel" in French. Roulette is a typical casino gambling game. It is one of the most attractive and most popular games in this kind of venues. The wheel has 36 numbers plus 0, which is also considered a number (therefore, there are 37 numbers in all). They are not in order. Players place their bets on a cloth known as "layout", where the roulette numbers appear in order. Numbers are classified according to color. They may be either red or black. Players also bet on the color, or odd or even numbers, or positional groupings of pockets. It is easy to understand the multiple betting possibilities by watching the layout.

Slot Machines
When players introduce a certain amount of coins in these gambling machines, they have the chance to win more coins according to the "coincidence" on the patterns of symbols visible on the front of the machine when it stops. They are generally luxurious, attractive and full of light. They pay according to an inner program installed on them which causes the machine to return a certain number of the coins entered. In recent years, they have made a revolution in the traditional gambling houses and casinos.

Slot Machines

This is a favorite game among visitors to casinos. This typical game, also known as "Twenty-one", consists in obtaining 21 points through the addition of the values of the cards (a fixed value granted to each card and shared by those who know the rules of the game). Spot cards count 2 to 9, jack; 10, queen and king count as 10; and an ace can be either 11 or 1, if eleven should cause the player to go over 21 in the entire game. Should a player get 21 with only two cards, this is called blackjack and that player becomes the winner at once. The game is played on a kidney-shaped table accommodating 7 players. On the other side of the table is the dealer, who represents the casino. The dealer is the guide of the game and in charge of collecting the money from betters and paying out when they win.

Black jack

It is a card game with betting rules in which the players, hiding all or part of their cards, bet on the best cards. The total addition of bets falls upon the player or players with the best combination of cards. In order to play, it is necessary to learn the basic rules and procedures of the game, the values assigned to each combination of cards and the rules regarding limits on bets. There are several variations of this game, among which we can mention stud poker, draw poker, community poker and mixed poker.


A die is a small polyhedral object prepared to show a random result when thrown over a horizontal surface, whether from the hand or a cup. The result of the number on the top face of the die (seen by everyone) is determined by chance. These games usually consist in throwing the dice and adding up the numbers on the visible faces. Those getting closer to the proposed target are the winners.

More and More.
There are plenty of more casino games. Many of them have reached these houses after becoming popular in the streets and family houses. They have been played by many generations. Others are invented everyday. Probability, chance and of course good or back luck have encouraged their practice. The list is endless.

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Argentina features the most beautiful golf courses in all four directions. This singular sport has been gaining more and more followers as well as professionals year after year. Likewise, tourists may enjoy golf at any course. Many of them are encouraged to carry their own clubs when they travel so as to be delighted with the best greens and holes in our country.

InterWA S.A.
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